
Membership 2021-11-10T01:35:38+00:00

Membership dues are payable annually no later than November 30th by cash or cheque however if you want to enjoy a full year of the Snoman Member Benefits Program your payment should be received no later than July 1st.

What does my membership fee give me?

Well, simply put your membership fee provides you with ownership. As an owner or member you can vote to elect other members who have put themselves forward to represent you and your Club or you can put yourself forward to represent them in the same manner. Members also take part in many of the high profile decision-making processes of the Club when it comes to fundraising, organized activities and expenditures.

What does my membership fee get me?

A sense of belonging and shared fellowship amongst a dedicated group of like- minded snowmobile enthusiasts working towards the betterment of snowmobiling within the community. As an added incentive, Snoman has created a benefits program whereby members save on travel, insurance, communications, safety and vehicle purchases.

Click the link below to download a membership form:
Membership Form (Click to download)

For record purposes, all membership payments must be accompanied by a duly completed membership form. If mailing payment, please send it to our Club address found on the Contacts page on the menu to your left.